Anthony Hobley, Carbon Tracker’s CEO will be speaking on the economic impacts of climate change in the Arctic, as part of a joint session hosted by the European Polar Board, EU-PolarNet and the EU-funded research programme ICE-ARC.  The session title is: ‘Climate Change in the Arctic – Local, Regional and Global Impacts’.

The objective of the session is to provide high-level decision-makers and other parties with a holistic overview of Arctic change and its multi-sector impacts.


Keynote speakers

  • Peter Horvath, Directorate General for Research and Innovation, European Commission
  • Sir David King, FCO Special Representative for Climate Change.  The Physical Basis of Arctic Change
  • Jean-Claude Gascard, Senior Scientist, Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique (CNRS).Scenarios for Arctic change and Global Consequences
  • Anthony Hobley, Carbon Tracker Initiative. Economic Impact of Arctic change; regional and global contexts
  • Sheila Watt-Cloutier, Former Chair of the Inuit Circumpolar Conference and winner of the Right Livelihood Award 2015. Societal Consequences of Arctic change; regional and global contexts
  • Thorben Hoffmeister, Executive Officer Geopolitics, Bundeswehr Geoinformation Center (ZGeoBw). Geopolitical and Security Consequences of Arctic Change

More information here: 

The event takes place in the Blue Zone at Le Bourget and requires accreditation.